Breve historia
O Engenho Serra Preta, produz cachaça e rapadura.
A cachaça Anel do Brejo, foi uma criação de Sr. Jeová e recebeu esse nome em homenagem ao trecho de rodovias que liga as principais cidades do Brejo Paraibano. A cachaça Anel do Brejo tem aproximadamente 30 anos, 15 desses foi a preferida de muitos consumidores do estado e os 15 restante quase que praticamente desapareceu do Mercado paraibano. O intuito era resgatar e colocar o produto num novo patamar.
O primeiro passo, foi sugerir o surgimento de uma marca que seria a detentora de todas as marcas produzidas no engenho Serra Preta. Através de entrevista identificamos que Dona Eliana (dona do Engenho Serra Preta), era a única produtora de cachaça mulher do Estado da Paraiba. A partir dai, surgiu a idéia de criar a marca Senhora do Engenho.
Seguindo essa etapa, partimos para a construção da marca do produto. A proposta era não fugir da referência da marca anterior. Dois símbolos eram de suma importância permanecer no novo design. O Anel (representando tanto a homenagem que foi feita lá atras do Sr. Jeová e o escudo que unindo com o anel simboliza a tradição de um produto/engenho que já esta na 5ª geração.
As canas de açúcar, a serra, o entorno, a forma de produção sem aditivos e produtos químicos. A moenda representando pelas engrenagens, finalizando um produto 5 estrelas. Foram os elementos simbólicos utilizados para construção da marca e do rótulo.
O intuito do projeto além de resgatar todo o valor histórico e familiar, foi elevar o nível do produto a níveis de exigência de exportação.
Engenho Serra Preta produces cachaça and rapadura.
The Anel do Brejo cachaça was created by Mr. Jehovah and received this name in honor of the stretch of highways that connect the main cities of Brejo Paraibano. The Anel do Brejo cachaça is approximately 30 years old, 15 of which were the favorite of many consumers in the state and the remaining 15 almost disappeared from the market in Paraíba. The target was to rescue and place the product on a new level.
The first step was to suggest the emergence of a brand that would own all the brands produced on the Serra Preta mill. Through an interview, we identified that Mrs Eliana (owner of Engenho Serra Preta) was the only woman cachaça producer in the State of Paraiba. From there, the idea of creating the brand Senhora do Engenho came up.
In the next step, we set out to build the product brand. The proposal was not to deviate from the reference of the previous brand. Two symbols were of paramount importance to remain in the new design. The Ring (representing both the homage that was paid there behind Mr. Jehovah and the shield that, together with the ring, symbolizes the tradition of a product/engine that is already in its 5th generation.
The sugar canes, the mountains, the surroundings, the way of production without additives and chemical products. The milling represented by the gears, finalizing a 5 star product. They were the symbolic elements used to build the brand and the label.
The objective of the project, in addition to rescuing all the historical and familiar value, was to increase the level of the product to export demand levels.
The Anel do Brejo cachaça was created by Mr. Jehovah and received this name in honor of the stretch of highways that connect the main cities of Brejo Paraibano. The Anel do Brejo cachaça is approximately 30 years old, 15 of which were the favorite of many consumers in the state and the remaining 15 almost disappeared from the market in Paraíba. The target was to rescue and place the product on a new level.
The first step was to suggest the emergence of a brand that would own all the brands produced on the Serra Preta mill. Through an interview, we identified that Mrs Eliana (owner of Engenho Serra Preta) was the only woman cachaça producer in the State of Paraiba. From there, the idea of creating the brand Senhora do Engenho came up.
In the next step, we set out to build the product brand. The proposal was not to deviate from the reference of the previous brand. Two symbols were of paramount importance to remain in the new design. The Ring (representing both the homage that was paid there behind Mr. Jehovah and the shield that, together with the ring, symbolizes the tradition of a product/engine that is already in its 5th generation.
The sugar canes, the mountains, the surroundings, the way of production without additives and chemical products. The milling represented by the gears, finalizing a 5 star product. They were the symbolic elements used to build the brand and the label.
The objective of the project, in addition to rescuing all the historical and familiar value, was to increase the level of the product to export demand levels.